Community-based organizations (CBOs) with a mission to end HIV in the United States often rely on technical assistance (TA) services like strategic planning, community mobilization, and grant writing to spur change in sustainable ways. AIDS United’s “Getting to Zero'' CDC-funded TA and capacity building program enlisted Impact’s strategic marketing and communications teams to encourage organizations to request their TA services. Impact conducted a thorough communications audit of all existing materials and explored their usage and engagement by key audiences. Impact also interviewed myriad TA recipients and staff to explore the program's identity and assess the areas in need of improvement. Our full-day branding workshop helped inform the development of brand identity documents and promotional marketing collateral. Impact also provided AIDS United with training sessions to make sure Getting to Zero made the most of their larger brand equity. Impact not only redeveloped the logo but also produced a series of newly branded collateral and brand family assets that further positioned the organization and its many offerings to the field. Our successful work with Getting to Zero led two other CDC-funded programs and several other AIDS United TA programs to request Impact’s similar strategic assessment and support.