
Client Category: Business

Service Category: Graphic + Web Design; Social Media + Awareness Campaigns; Marketing + Communications Strategy; Photo + Video; Writing + Editing;

SelectHealth, an HIV Medicaid special-needs plan, lacked brand awareness among its target audience despite producing better health outcomes than its competitors. To help SelectHealth increase awareness and achieve a better market position, Impact rebranded the Medicaid plan. As part of our formative research, we interviewed key staff and conducted focus groups to assess brand awareness among prospective members. We also created a new value proposition, which guided the development of new brand identity elements: a logo, color palette, original photography, videography, and new typography. We used these elements to rebrand the plan’s newsletter, one-pager, flyer, letterhead, and PowerPoint templates as well as brochures and other member materials. Impact developed an empowering campaign slogan to help promote the brand. We also created promotional and advertising materials (including some in Spanish), and provided digital and website support. Lastly, we developed a style guide to encourage the consistent use of SelectHealth brand elements across content and on various communication platforms.